Monday, December 15, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-sixty-six: Goatherding

When I got up this morning, after having stayed up myself past midnight, I found out that my sister had watched over 13 hours worth of TV. Since she fast forwards through the commercials, it may have been slightly less time but still that is a lot of TV. If I ever get cable again, I'm definitely getting DVR.

My father and I played still more pool. This time I "lost" two games by scratching on the eight ball and sinking it in a pocket different from the one I called. I'm obviously improving. Losing this way means that I am putting more balls in.

I played goatherd a little bit today. The electric fence was turned off for too long and one of my parents' smaller goats became emboldened, or accidentally found ways to get through the electric fence. I herded him (it) back through the fence and we gave all 22 of them some more hay to keep them occupied while we went back to the house to turn the fence on. One had gotten out while we were heading back. So my mother and I did the goatherding thing again. Before we could walk away, it had gotten out again. This time we had seen it and used bungee cords and a stick to block a rather squarish hole framed by the gate, shed, and an electric fence pole.

We watched as the goat in question once again was nosing about the former hole. This time it touched its nose to a live wire and jumped back at least five feet. Our work was done. The goat was lessened and likely to stay put on the correct side of the fence.

By the time we had walked back to the house, the goat had found another spot to cross. Tomorrow it is to get a collar with metal antennas that will be guaranteed to catch the electric fence.

"Green acres is the place for me.
Farm living is my philosophy."

... At least I got mud on my new boots. I could go for this pace of life in my Life after Layoff. Of course, this pace only exists in the winter. Plus, I'm still mostly a bystander. My mother and father are working much more than I am.

After my sister left, another set of cousins of mine through my father's side from Springfield, OH, came in for a visit. I was able to visit with them last January. It was good that they could make this trip and great to see them. I hope to be able to stop in for a short visit on my way home.

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