Friday, December 26, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-seventy-nine: Chili Pepper Spicy

With my son-in-law still laid low, everyone else in the house headed out for lunch at the North Market. The reason we went there was to enable dessert at Jeni's Ice Cream. I and my brother-in-law had sorbet. The pear sorbet was probably the best one, the one I didn't get, but my brother-in-law allowed me a taste of his. The cranberry was the most unique, very tart. Even though my brother-in-law explicitly didn't order this one, he also got it.

In the morning before we left, I went out for some more easily digested food and some olives with which to make more olive bread. Tomorrow I will get another second rising container so I can make two loaves at a time. I also got some hard to digest food. They didn't have horseradish hummus so I got regular hummus and mixed my own, well my sister-in-law's, horseradish into it. With the tahini, it was bad enough for me but the corn chip scoops made it much worse. I hope I have learned my limit on fat consumption well enough to be well below the Tums stage, even as I know I am well over the effective diet stage.

We also stopped in at Wholly Craft. While there were some cute things, which I thought momentarily funny enough to remember that I was amused, they weren't the kind of things that jumped out and said "buy me" or even "this is worth remembering beyond the confines of the store." Now that I've racked my brains, I have thought of two of the things I saw, which will prove my point that they were mostly in the non-jump out category: a counted cross-stich which said, "Bite Me;" and a joke which said, "What do similarly charged magnets and my dad's feet have in common? They are both repellent." (Hey dad, if you are reading this, I don't think your feet are repellent. It is a direct quote. However, I hope not to get so close that I could find out.)

The piece de la resistance was a trip to Penzey's Spice. There four out of the five in our car bought something and the fifth one paid for one of the other's purchases, my brother-in-law for his wife. I bought Dutch Processed Cocoa, Ancho Chili Pepper, Cloves, Hot Red Pepper flakes, and some Apple Pie spice for my oatmeal on the recommendation of my niece. I'm spicing up my Life after Layoff.

Then back to the house for a dinner of left overs and snacks, including the aforementioned corn chips. While we were gone, the sick bed occupant got up, had some yogurt, and appeared to be fever free. He even ate some soup with us for dinner, although he was smart and stayed away from the fattiest foods, corn chips and dip.

After dinner, we watched "Get Smart." While I laughed, it was really just a touch short of funny. I think the thing that made it so was the predictability and the incompetence that was painful. Oh well, Anne Hathaway made up for a lot. However, the James Caan character and the mooning at the end were also good.

Now I'm off for more TV before bed, an earlier one than last night. I want to sleep well tonight but I didn't exercise enough for that. So, I'll settle for being able to get up a little earlier tomorrow. At some point, I want to be more of a morning person.

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