Friday, December 12, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-sixty-four: Pool shark

Well, I put some balls in with some of them being the result of half way decent shots. Unfortunately, I also missed quite a few that should have been easy. As a result, I won only four games and lost more. What is worse, I didn't "win" any. My father lost, twice by scratching on the eight ball and twice by sinking it prematurely.

Just like golf for me, there is always some aspect of my pool playing that holds out the promise that I will do better the next time, as long as the next time is in the next couple of days, not a year or more. (Not that I actually do better, but that promise is there.) If the delay is a year, I will conveniently forget how bad I actually played and only remember the promise.

The rest of the day was more cards, more errands, and more eating. I won the last game of cards, which is that promise again, but I can't remeber winning any other.

It also rained all day, sometimes rather heavily. This may be a promise of a different sort.

All of these promises, or potential, are very analogous to the potential in my Life after Layoff.

Except for when my cousins visited, I've been carrying around my camera in the belt case I bought to keep it with me and allow me to take more pictures. When it came time to take pictures with my cousins, I couldn't find my camera. Now that I'm carrying it around again, I still forget to take pictures.

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