Monday, December 15, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-sixty-seven: Ladybugs

For the last several years, my parents' place has been infested with ladybugs throughout the winter. They have caulked everywhere one can imagine a tiny bug can get in and still they do. Now, these are not your nice American ladybugs but some import. They bite. They stink. And, if allowed to get too numerous in the house, I suppose they would swarm.

My father has designed a rather ingenious non-lethal trap to collect them with. Tonight I collected five in the upstairs bathroom.

When this infestation started, everone started giving them ladybug themed gifts. As we were cycling through pictures today to show my cousins, I was reminded by a picture of Marilyn holding up a metal ladybug that we didn't buy. I'm way down on my gift giving, especially of ladybugs. My problem is that I don't shop in those kinds of stores. Well, I really don't shop at all.

After the cousins left, we went over to see the progress my sister is making on her 3,500 square foot house she is bui9lding to replace the much smaller one that burned down. She deserves the mansion she is building but as a mansion, it is taking longer.

Then we came back to my parents' place for dinner, chores that we postponed, pool, and Setback. I once again lost badly at pool, except for the very last game. I then proceeded to lose really badly in the last game of Setback.

Why didn't I go to bed with the last win rather than the last loss? I would have gotten more rest and I wouldn't be writing so much about losing in my Life after Layoff blog.

As it is now, it's once again close to midnight and I still haven't meditated. I don't know how effective it is when I'm this tired.

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