Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-seventy-three: Resume'

The first thing I did when I got up this morning was work on a resume', just not my own. The husband of my youngest sister, as regular readers of this blog may know, is in a similar situation to that which I am in, laid off, but worse. The good news is, he has the skills and experience for a truly impressive resume' and now he should have one. Still, the best way to find a job is through networking. I didn't tell him about LinkedIn. I'll have to rectify that.

Then my mother and I moved to my middle sister's house. We started fixing food immediately. I mixed up a batch of chocolate cupcakes and some "almost no knead" olive bread. I will be up until at least 11:00 PM before it finishes baking.

Then my sister and her husband came home. After my father and my oldest sister arrived, most of us went to VegiTerranean. The food was good, possibly better than Cafe' Gratitude.

The afternoon was more cards, Mystery Partner Euchre. I was tied for the lead when we left for the restaurant but other than that unfinished game didn't come close to winning later on. I don't really think the old saying, "unlucky in cards, lucky in love," applies to my in my specific Life after Layoff, but maybe I'll be lucky in something else.

Just about the time the bread came out of the oven, I was part of a winning team in Shiny Pants Gin. Everyone but me immediately went to bed. I stayed up to finish this blog. I'm done now!

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