Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-seventy-seven: Christmas Eve

A lot of presents were opened this evening, just none of them were from me. I got three and probably will get more tomorrow. While I am very appreciative, this makes me feel guilty. Even as I feel guilty, I have to admire the thought that goes into the gifts. The ones I received were just right for me.

Today had some similarities with Monday, except this time I made only one loaf of olive bread and doubled the cupcakes. The olive bread was mostly gone in the get together. The gingerbread was sampled. The cupcakes were half gone. It turns out that several of my Columbus relatives are on gluten free diets. I'm sure more will be eaten tomorrow, gluten or not.

Today I had a frief conversation with Marilyn's sister about getting some of Marilyn's childhood documented. We talked a little bit about the pigs they used to draw on their correspondence and I asked how the "pigging" of each other started. She was uncertain but was quick to believe that Marilyn started it. It probably would come back to her if we could talk about it without tearing up.

She suggested a college friend of Marilyn's as a source for memories that were new to my children last January. I can tell that these "memories" aren't going to be written easily just by the "remembering" party, which becomes another thing I'd like to do in my Life after Layoff: Go on a Memories of Marilyn tour where I travel around and talk with Marilyn's friends and family taking notes so I can ghost write the memories for her grand children. (However, it isn't like my own memories are being written speedily.)

Since so many of the things I'm dreaming about doing involve travel and writing, I'm just going to have to find a way to make that possible.

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