Monday, December 8, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-fifty-nine: Winter wonder land?

It was a long snowy drive from Columbus, Ohio, to just outside Glenville, West Virginia. Snow was on the road most of the way. I was glad that I started out early as it took much longer than I thought it would, namely five and one half hours.

The important thing is that I made it safe. I'm more careful in my Life after Layoff, particularly on drives in WV. As I was going down a snow covered hill with a car in the ditch on my side facing me with skid marks from the truck stopped just before the car, I made sure I didn't have the same problem by going no faster than three miles per hour down the hill. Just a little before this hill on the same road, I had totaled a 280Z. In point of fact it was on clear dry roads in October of 1977 as I was coming out to tell my parents that I had met someone, Marilyn. (She was visiting her ex that very weekend to find out whether she was over him. It turned out she was and as I was driving a Duster for a time after that weekend, was obviously not attracted to me for my car or my money.)

I used the Prius' Navigation System almost the whole way out even though I didn't take many of its recommendations. First it tried to send me out I-70 to I-77. Instead I went down 33. There were portions of 33 that were not on the Prius' maps. It was quite interesting to see the car symbol move across open country.

Then once in West Virginia, it was directing me almost on any road but 47. It did so all along 47 until after Smithsville. Then it recommended taking 47 to its end on 5. Instead, I turned off on the "cutoff" at Burnthouse. (This way I got the after the fact fun of driving on some real snow and saw two cars in the ditch. It definitely wasn't fun while I was doing it. However, I only got the lack of traction warning light once and it wasn't on this road.) I turned off the guide feature at this point but maybe it knew more about the road conditions than I did.

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