Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day Thirty-one: Dead truck, dying plants

After a leisurely morning of exercise, high-fiber breakfast, dishes, reading, and lunch, I went out to the truck to go pick up some more tan bark to put around the stepping stones. It didn't start. I have it charging now but this means that the alternator may not be working. A belt or a bearing has been "squealing" for sometime but our mechanic never could find it. Now that I live in a different town, I don't know where to take it, or have it towed.

Before I take it anywhere, or call AAA to have it towed, I need to get it washed. I was going to sell it but due to timing need to wait until after my son's wedding in September. Now I need to get it fixed before I can sell it.

I was able to work my Prius out from its partially blocked position and use it for my errands but doing so put a front tire on the edge of two of my set in place stepping stones. Yes, this moved them. I went ahead and bought the bark I was going to put around the stones, but in resetting the stones and putting down the bark, found that I had under bought the bark. I need another half of a bag. I guess I can store the extra in my new shed.

While I was out, I also bought three of the four vitamins and supplements I take for which I was getting low. Yes, I also bought food. I also bought a toilet, (a place for the food?). My wife had our guest bathroom redone and I particularly like the toilet she had put in there. So, I bought one for the Master Bath. Since I have more time, I am finding more opportunities to spend. Life after Layoff is costly.

I also bought a couple wire baskets to cover the two plants of six of the same type that are the most deer eaten. I hope they aren't really dying but they have been severely trimmed. I cut up some hangers to "nail" them down. The rest of the plants are doing well.

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