Monday, July 28, 2008

Day Twenty-eight: Floor art

As part of loading the shed, and my oldest daughter helped me stow the last of the big items from the garage into it this morning, I went through the various framed art work that my wife had collected over the years. Very little of it is actually hanging, which is why I call it floor art.

Several of the more commercial pieces in metal frames went into the shed. One of the ones that didn't was one that my wife put up in Fremont. It is a pen and ink drawing of a house with words around it that say: "I hear your footsteps down the hall. You are home again, ..and safe. All the burdens of the day are lightened--and all the night noises... ...are music to my ears."

I don't know whether I ever really read it when she had it hanging up in our bedroom, but reading it now is really bittersweet. It brings back all the memories of far better times and the acute missing of her footsteps. I can't get rid of it, but I will not be hanging it.

The garage may be usable after I give away or sell the remaining stuff that is designated for disposal. It looks a lot emptier and I can get to the shelves that line it now. I may put a few more of the boxes currently on the garage shelves in the shed and have left a lot sorting the stuff that I may use more frequently back into the garage and less frequently in the shed.

Today was overcast all day and fog drizzly, so, I decided to stay in all day. I even took a nap.

While I didn't drive and burn gas, I did restart my thermostat over the weekend and have yet to turn it back off again. I'll get out another sweatshirt tomorrow. It doesn't come on when set to 58 degrees. Yes, Life after Layoff is cool.

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