Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day Thirty: More exercise

I started today off with my back exercises. The effect of my extra-muscular activities really caught up with me yesterday but with the soreness not gone, I decided that I'd better do the hair-of-the-dog equivalent. This is just my first day but I intend to work my way up to an ability to go downhill skiing.

With my wife's passing due to cancer, we did not get to do our multiple of 10 year anniversary celebration, going downhill skiing. I was attending her memorial on what would have been our 30th anniversary. So, I intend to go skiing next year for what would be our 31st anniversary. Hey, I can become a ski bum, at least for this coming winter.

Today I stayed to a low calorie diet by dusting off my calorie tracking spreadsheet. I still need to work on getting the right mix of vegetables, fruit, grains, and legumes, while staying in the calorie and fat limits.

The big accomplishment today was my trip in my truck, which started, to pick up some stepping stones and sand to put them on. The sand was $2.50 a bag, bagged yourself. The first bag I filled half full and couldn't lift it over the side of the truck bed. I could barely get it up on the tailgate. So, I filled the second bag less full. After the struggle with the first bag, I was so exhausted that I could barely get it up on the tailgate. But wait, it didn't stop there. I proceeded to dig up the sod in the area I was putting the stones. Yes, this was part of the sod that was turned over as part of the extra-muscular weekend. I bagged the dug up sod in trash bags and after dumping the sand and placing the stones, I put the last two busting trash bags into the sandbags. I could barely carry them to the side of the house. It's a dirty Life after Layoff, but somebody has to do it.

I need to figure out how to protect what appears to be the only plant we got that the deer eat. Every other plant is doing really well. Even the four the deer have yet to chomp on, we planted six of them, are doing fine. Even though they are drought resistant, I am watering them every day until they appear to be tolerant. They will have to be by the middle to the end of August.

Now to take on the back yard...

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