Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day Twenty-three: Scanning memories

I was never a camera person and neither was my wife. She would always quote her mother, "Hold it in your mind." Still, there are quite a few slides that need to be scanned. I finally got the slide scanner working, I think, and have scanned over 100 so far.

It's slow because I have to put three slides at a time into a plastic tray that holds them in place then manually push them through the viewer / camera.

It's made slower from the frequent stops that I have to take, particularly after scanning the 20th anniversary pictures. Since I asked her to marry me when we were downhill skiing and it was ten years before we got to go skiing again, we made it a tradition to go downhill skiing on our ten year anniversary celebrations. (We went cross-country skiing after we moved to California in between.) She didn't make it to our 30th anniversary and instead of downhill skiing, my and her family had a remembrance open house.

I figured that Life after Layoff would have it's ups and downs. I just never figured that one thing would be both.

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