Thursday, July 10, 2008

Day Ten: Thinking about my business

Since my garden hose repair didn't work, I moved the furthest couple of plants closer the backyard faucet so my shorter hose could get water to them. I still had to arch the water to reach the furthest plants and fill the bird bath. I will need to get another hose or put in a watering system before my trips in August.

Today was another lazy day with a lot of rest and thinking. The rest was in the form of a nap in the afternoon and actually sleeping in until 8:00. The thinking was on the nature of how I would like to make money in my Life after Layoff. Well, not so much on the specifics but more on the philosophy.

Unless my former employer wants to hire me back, I don't want to trade time for money. Rather I want to produce a product, or establish a company to produce a product. Now here is where my philosophical thoughts on my business comes in. I don't want to participate in accelerating the consumption of finite resources. So either my product/business needs to be purely intellectual or an advance in something physical that reduces the consumption of finite resources.

The practical side of this is that, while I do not rule out learning something that would allow me to invent something physical, I don't think that I'm likely to learn enough quickly enough to actually create a product matching these criteria. I do have some trinket ideas that are not usable for anything practical but are out of renewable resources. In between having all of these thoughts, I still like the intellectual product path. Whether this is a writing product or some business around intellectual products, they are the only unlimited products that don't effectively consume much, if any, finite resources.

I'm traveling tomorrow and don't know when I will be back to this blog. I will be making notes and continue my entries as I did last weekend, all in one day when I got back.

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