Friday, July 4, 2008

Day Three: First big test for my Prius

Most of this day was a mad rush to complete the chores I absolutely had to before I could leave on what turned out to be a six and one half hour drive. As part of those chores, I did remember to reprogram the thermostat so the furnace wouldn't come on while I was away. (I'm writing this here so I remember I did so and can unset it when I get home. I'm sure I would remember when I felt cold but why would I want to be that?)

The drive was uneventful. I didn't even go off the road or change lanes when I fell asleep. (I don't think I really fell asleep but my eyes were dragging.) After that wake up call, I sat my seat up straight, stopped and got more food, and was on my hands free phone. I was amazed at the pockets of traffic that would build up around speeding trucks. They were all going faster than the 55 they were supposed to be going but they weren't going the 70, or more, that the cars, SUVs, pickups, and motorcycles wanted to. Every once in a while one of the semi's would pass another of their kind.

What was equally amazing is just the absolute number of vehicles on the road going south, and north, in the middle of the week. I thought we were in a gas crunch. Well, my Prius averaged over 50 miles to the gallon. Frankly I was hoping for more but I had it set on cruise control at 72, even up the grapevine. I'm sure that is what killed my average.

I arrived at my daughter's and son-in law's house exactly when he got home. My daughter came in about a half an hour later walking from the LA Metro station. (She is on jury duty.)

After a great light dinner, which I greatly appreciated with all my snacking on the road, we went to a local wine bar and spent about four hours enjoying a couple of bottles and a glass of yet another wine to start. The walk back was good for recovery. I don't think I had drunk so much wine since the last time I was down here.

As we got back to their place around 1:00 AM, I am writing this third entry the next day. Our fireworks display viewing plans will mean that I probably will be having a similar shift, if not outright skipping, for the next few days.

Living the HIGH Life after Layoff in Southern California.

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