Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day Two: Catching up at home, at least now I can

The furnace came on later, but I was up only marginally later and this time to a colder house. (It came on a half an hour after I got up.) Since I'm traveling to visit my daughter over the Fourth, I need to remember to set it to a low enough temperature that it won't heat the house up for no one. Of course, I'll need to reset it when I return or I will be reminded by a chilly house.

Because of the travel tomorrow, today has been one of mostly chores: clothes washing, car maintenance, cooking up food that would not last, ... I never realized how boring chores are. They are so boring that I can't even remember them all.

For the first time I waited for the car rather than just drop it off, proceed on to work, and pick it up on my way home. Even going prepared with reading, my laptop, and some paperwork, didn't keep me occupied for the whole two hour wait. I'd hate to think that I have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder.

I am charging my iPod after having loaded it with everything on my iTunes. I still need to charge my camera battery. For the first time I will be using my head lamp for something other than household maintenance. I started using it for household maintenance when I needed I was working on a light fixture and had to turn off the electricity. Well, duh. I don't know how long I had the thing while I was still using flashlights, but after that breakthrough I use it for proper lighting in most household maintenance activities, even for storage in the attic crawl space. Well anyway, I will be hiking into the hills above LA with the hope to see several fireworks displays. The head lamp will allow me to see and keep my hands free, if it has viable batteries. I will have something to do with my hands, if I remember my hiking sticks.

I'm also taking my Camelback. It makes me wonder just how far we will be walking in the dark. If I need a water supply that could last for days and we are only going high enough to see several fireworks displays, I may need to rethink that we can't get lost.

Today, with the chores, I didn't get anything done on the house. I did get something done for my wife. Further, since I'm traveling, I won't get anything done on the house for the next four days.

While I am also taking my laptop, I may not have Internet access and thus the ability to add entries into this blog. If every day is a chore day, I may not make daily entries anyway. If I'm boring myself, I certainly don't want to bore others.

Today wasn't so much Life after Layoff as Existence after Layoff. At least I didn't have to cram all these chores into an evening after work. I'll even get to bed on time, and probably get up around 5:00 AM.

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