Friday, August 1, 2008

Day Thirty-two: Cupcakes

This day was very similar to a lot of other days: I got up. I exercised. I ate. I cleaned up myself and then the kitchen. I had lunch. I went to the garden store. I finished the front yard. I went to the grocery store. I ate dinner. Oh yes, I baked cupcakes.

While my current reduced calorie diet in order to resize my suits to my hopefully more permanent waist size can only include things a rich as these cupcakes with a lot of planning, I couldn't resist licking the batter. It was very good. They are very "chocolaty." In my trip to the grocery store to get necessary ingredients, I also bought fresh raspberries and blueberries to use as a topping with an appropriately flavored soy yogurt.

I loaned my youngest daughter my My Sweet Vegan cookbook, which she still has, but I kept the Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. It has 75 cupcake recipes. This is certainly enough for my sweet Life after Layoff.

I took a picture of the cupcakes but I still don't know how to include it in this posting. I'm going to have to freeze most of them. I can only eat one a day, and probably shouldn't eat that much. They don't contribute to any of my nutrition targets and I haven't begun to calculate their calories. Yes, I calorie count.

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