Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day Sixty-one: Early rather than delayed

Since I didn't think that I could get this entry done before my last 24-hour Internet access period expired, or get it done in thirty minutes for $5, I was all prepared to do the delayed entry again and made the following notes to do so.

Today was the last booth staffing and the day of my speech, which I entered into my last post. I'd like to report that I made it through without crying, although my voice did break right at the end. It took a lot of practice to be able to do that. They gave me a standing ovation. The keynote speaker didn't even get that. It wasn't really what I said but rather that in a small way this helps address a great need.

But now I'd like to get back to other less tearful topics, at least to me.

The hotel room is a "comp" room, in other words the conference generated so much business for the hotel that some percentage of the rooms were available to presenters and NLN staff. For purposes of the conference, I was considered staff. It wasn't truly "free" however. The greatest expense was the valet parking. Food and then the Internet access followed. Then tips, ... You get the picture.

I'm not even considering the gas, but a portion of that should be defrayed by its qualification as a charitable mileage deduction. At least I have a good system to remember it come tax time.

But back to the room. I got a cold the very first night from the continuous running of the AC fan. I never got used to the cold water faucet turning the opposite, and wrong, direction from the hot. There was also some suspicious brown splashes on the wallpaper in the bathroom. And, while not all but the last I will say about the room, the balcony door wouldn't close when locked. (This may have been the source of the musty odor and my cold.) I didn't figure that there was any real danger from people climbing up to the sixth floor or somehow climbing around from a neighboring room or down from above so I unlocked it and closed it. By running the AC only during the day and turning the whole thing off at night, I've kept the cold from getting worse and I think the room is smelling better and drying out. It's quite humid in San Diego by the water.

What with the early start, 7:00 AM every day, and the many long days, including tonight, although I do have this break in the afternoon, and every day dressed up in a suit and tie no less, I didn't get to exercise, use my swimming suit, or even just walk around, not that walking around this close to the airport would be that much of a thrill.

Still, the people I met were great. The experience was unique and precious. This has been truly a great Life after Layoff experience. I can't help but think that it would have been much less so, if I hadn't been laid off.

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