Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day Fifty-four: Poster done but for the taping

I had ten glossy picture papers and used Publisher to place digital pictures on ten pages. Some I cropped. All I resized to either a quarter of a page or a half page. Some I rotated, after I got smart. I used PowerPoint to generate large font text for the title, some headings, and some captions. I may wait until my daughter gets back to cut the pictures and text out and place on the display board. If she doesn't get back until late, I will "cut and paste" myself. (It's unusual to use "cut and paste" in its original meaning, although my pasting will be by double sided tape.)

I've scanned hundreds of slides; I have hundreds of digital camera pictures of Marilyn alone; I haven't even gone through all my prints; but I don't have nearly the pictures I'd like to have. Most of our lives together was spent doing, not recording. A lot of our early pictures were taken with cameras that needed adjustments to the aperture, shutter speed, ... Then on top of that I added a scanning camera that couldn't capture the contrast fully and I don't have enough documentation of the most important pieces of my life. We were always forgetting our camera. Marilyn would come out with that quote she learned from her mother: "Just hold it in your mind." I'm trying. I guess I need to add crossword puzzles to my Life after Layoff to do list. I don't want to get Alzheimer's.

I have about 25 square feet more of garage floor space. The person who tried to come by last Saturday came by today. She got quite a bargain. The wall unit I sold for $5 a section cost at least $300 a section over 20 years ago. It was still in good shape. If I could have gotten a charity to pick them up, I would have made more money in the deduction.

Unfortunately, I still have the middle of the garage to clear as well as boxes in the Living Room.

I still have the poster to put together and packing to do tonight. I feel like my children are still in junior high science. That is the last time I helped out on a poster.

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