Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day Forty-two: Fat pills

When my one great weakness is combined with fresh and homemade, I get undisciplined consumption. I'm talking about bread, homemade artisan bread. Today I baked the 1/3 whole wheat bread that I had mixed up the night before. I took special care to try and create an oval loaf to see whether or not I could. (I have two pans that can bake this bread. The round one worked well but I was unsure about the oval one due to forming the bread while it was rising. It worked, but I ended up using the same rising pan as I had for the round loaf I made last week.)

When I got up I went into the kitchen first thing, did my ten kneads, and popped it back in the oven for the two hour raising. It was all baked by 10:30 AM. I let it cool for about a half and hour and then had an early taste, which led to an early lunch, and another slice. After lunch I had an afternoon snack of another slice. I had a slice with dinner, then another as a bedtime snack. Homemade bread is the bread of Life after Layoff.

My morning started at a normal time, even though I had stayed up until about 1:00 AM finishing a book re-read. Except for the bread and dishes and laundry and plant watering and trash can retrieval, I didn't do all that much. Yes, there is continuing trying to sell. Tomorrow will be more focused on accomplishment rather than maintenance.

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