Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day Thirty-three: Charged up and "raring" to go

Today started at 5:00 AM. Yes, I know it is a Saturday, but I went to sleep earlier the night before and I can only stay in bed so long. I've decided to up my Glucosamine/Chondroitin daily intake to the recommended dose. (I was doing half doses.) Maybe the proper dose will allow my joints to stay in one place longer.

The longer day allowed me to get more done. It still wasn't everything on my list but I'll just pretend the list was for the whole weekend. I did some things not on my list, such as: sweeping the drive. I live on a flag lot, which has a disproportionally longer drive and my non-flag lot neighbor's plants and trees hanging over the fence and dropping stuff on my drive. I decided before I washed my vehicles, I needed to clean up the the debris so the water from the washing wouldn't make the debris worse.

Then, to wash the truck I had to move it. After over 24 hours of charging, the battery was still dead. So, I took it out and went to Kragen Auto Parts for a replacement. When I got back with it, I decided that I'd better check and make sure it was fully charged before I put it in. It wasn't. So, I left it trickle charging and went off to do other things, like lunch.

Lunch was a Mango Black Bean Salad, a large Green Salad with pinto beans, and one of my cupcakes with Mixed Berry soy yogurt and fresh raspberries. After lunch I decided that I'd better make sure my motorcycle started. I was relieved when it did. Then I decided to check my tires' pressures. Surprisingly, only the truck's tires were fully inflated. I added air to the motorcycle's tires, the Prius' tires and my pedal bike's tires. Then I decided that since my motorcycle was running and had air in the tires, I should take it for a spin to make sure the battery was properly charged. I only had work to do if I didn't. Besides, it was a short trip of just about 50 miles, but to go even that far I had to get gas.

The nice thing is, when I got back, the battery was fully charged. Even better, when I put it in the truck, it started right up. So I positioned it for my multiple vehicle washing and went in to fix and eat dinner. I won't bore you with yet another menu, but I decided to start the "Almost No Knead" bread. Then I saw that I needed to use up an eggplant I had purchase and I wanted to make a Balsamic vinaigrette, basically balsamic vinegar, seasoned rice vinegar, and crushed garlic. It is really good and has very few calories. Since I was going to make my special "Gerson" ratatouille, lots of onion, lots of garlic, eggplant, and tomatoes, I could just clean more garlic at the same time and get two things for the garlic bother of one. My Life after Layoff is really cooking.

I never did get back out to wash the vehicles.

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