Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day Ninety-three: What to do with beer I won't drink?

Make more beer bread! It has a long baking time but quickly mixes up. In fact, I have to pre-heat the oven before I start to get it ready for the bread by the time I finish mixing. Unfortunately, like my artisan yeast bread, it tastes better while warm just out of the oven. So, I ate a lot of it then.

I didn't get out again today, this time literally. I did however get dressed to go out. I still have enough food, even without starting a Dining on an Empty Bowl fast. (Another thing I want to schedule.) I was impressed at the number of fasts described, starting with the Air fast. You guessed it, consuming nothing but air. I probably will start from the other end, well closer to the other end, a soup or juice fast. I wonder if I can do a fast between meals. I didn't today. What with fresh bread to eat and being around my kitchen all day...

I did two webinars today and read a portion of the guide that comes with the outplacement service. In the guide it said that I should plan to spend 40 to 50 hours a week finding a new Life after Layoff. It is making early retirement seem more attractive, but my large fixed costs make that more difficult.

But, it is now only Wednesday. I have two more days to go in this "work" week. First thing on my schedule tomorrow will be creating a schedule.

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