Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day Ninety-nine: Debate bored

The new insights, if any, were too few and too far apart to keep what was being said from being too boring. Overall, I believe that Obama won again. Five of six analysts on CNN agreed. I'm now watching MSNBC and they aren't really saying. Their, MSNBC's, focus group appeared to give it to Obama as well.

As for other things today, I continue to make my bed and get cleaned up, although today I didn't clean up the kitchen other than filling and running the dishwasher. I spent most of the afternoon on the second Retirement Webinar and the homework that came from it. Some of the exercises don't allow my answers. Since I am now a vegan, I don't know how to answer a Yes/No question that asks whether I eat properly from the four food groups: meat, dairy, ...

Now, I'm not planning on not working. In fact my plans include doing so much that I won't have time to work for money. With the way the stock market is going, I may not have enough money and need to work. My head is spinning in this Life after Layoff, or would be if I weren't so confident that everything will work out fine. Maybe this is a result of my meditation.

I just realized that I didn't make it outdoors at all today. My only trip outdoors yesterday was to pick up my trash and recycling bins. I'm not trying to be a recluse. (If reclusiveness came with Howard Hughes' money...) Do Internet contacts count for anything? It does keep me from spending much money. Well, I have made purchases over the Internet. I can't wait for my meditation and exercise equipment to arrive.

Speaking of meditation, I still haven't had an experience quite as good as my very first time but maybe it is supposed to be more incremental. I'm still using the verbal guide, both for timing and whatever assistance it may provide. I will do so for a full week but I am looking forward to trying it on my own. I would like to find a quieter spot, at least from manmade noises. The last few times I've noticed my refrigerators starting and stopping. After we bought it we read that it was a noisy one. It's noisier when I accidentally turn on the non-attached to any water supply ice maker. I do have some trays for ice in the freezer but since I don't use ice, the cubes freeze dry. Adding water to rehydrate them doesn't restore them to their icy state.

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