Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day Ninety-seven: Two dirty vehicles

A week ago a couple middle school students came to my door and sold me a car wash for this weekend. Since I hadn't yet washed the after wedding markings off my truck from my son's use of it after his wedding, I thought this is a great deal and an excuse to procrastinate washing it yet another week. Well, yesterday I was busy getting sun burned in a meadow in Golden Gate Park. Today I was calling voters in New Mexico and asking the ones I actually reached who they were supporting in this election. Tonight, I still have two dirty vehicles, well, three if you count my motorcycle.

The calling was great. The Obama supporters were always pleasant, even when my call was the fifth or so they had received. (There are a lot of other organizations calling: Unions,, ..., even some Republican organizations.) I am quite glad that I don't live in a battleground state, but I would like my vote for Obama to count more. The fewer McCain supporters I reached were somewhat less pleasant. While I was calling I just chocked it up to my stating up front that "I was a volunteer for the Senator Obama campaign," but while I was driving home and thought back on it, I decided that even though there wasn't a conversation, after they said McCain I thanked them and hung up, they sounded more argumentative and guilty. Either way, they were not pleasant.

A couple phone calls had an IVR in front of reaching the actual person. This warned off solicitors. After checking, I finished the call. Political callers are not solicitors and our calls are protected as freedom of speech under the First Amendment. The one such phone response that actually had a live answerer ended up being a McCain supporter. I'm learning something each and every day in my Life after Layoff.

Of course I tried to learn something every day I worked also. Something I've learned over these ninety-seven days of layoff, is that I really enjoy not working. Now, if I can find something that pays money for activities that don't feel like work, I'll have it made.

I have a couple chores and one meditation session yet to do before I can head to bed. I did the session too late last night, after the opening skit on SNL, and was too tired to truly meditate, not that I know what truly meditating is just yet. Not only is meditation another thing that I'm learning, but it may be the one thing that allows me to take even a work path and keep the freedom I'm now enjoying.

I will write about my upcoming Toastmasters experience in my 101st blog entry.

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