Friday, October 24, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-sixteen: Too much the same

Stay up too late; rest all day. Do the same thing; write the same entries. I've gotten myself in a rut. So, today I'm going to be writing more about my thoughts than my activities.

For example: As I was finally doing the dishes, because I went to make lunch and didn't have anything to cook in, I was noticing that it was amazing that I don't cut my fingers more from the way I do dishes. I normally load the bottom of the pan with all the utensils I'm going to wash, which includes all the knives. Since I use a Scotch-Brite Dobie, a sponge with a nylon net covering, to wash dishes, it creates a lot of suds. (Maybe I'm using too much soap. Oh well, as frequently as I wash dishes it shouldn't matter.) So, I proceeded to fish out the utensils, including several knives, once again without receiving a cut.

Then there was the rotary washing brush without the rotary washer to attach it to. (This will probably show up in a Memories of Marilyn topic at some point as well.) Ever since our Houston house, which had a rotary washer/sprayer, we have had a continuous supply of the brushes. I don't think Marilyn ever used the washer/sprayer, but she regularly used the brush, with her hand. We have had to buy replacement brushes over the years, the latest being a set of two when we moved to Pacifica, but they seem to last such a long time that unless I can't find the other one I should never have to buy another one. Now, I use it as well for things like garlic presses, the screens on my strainers, which also double as my flour sifters, and any rim or ridge that looks like there is something in a valley that my sponge can't get.

Arrgh! I have "flat surface syndrome." This condition was always disguised because Marilyn always got to the flat surfaces first, frequently infringing on my own. I can't begin to remember the number of times she would tell me to clean off the top of my dresser and when I did, fully half the stuff would be stuff that she had put there. Now I look around and I see far too many furniture tops, my dining table, sofa table, library bench, ..., with far too much stuff on them, mostly some form of paper. In addition to discipline, I need to get neater in my Life after Layoff.

And finally, I can't wait until November 5th. I admit to an election addiction. I bring up websites on my computer, cable news on my TV and look for something new, which comments on the blogs frequently are. Some postings get so many comments I can't read them all, they are added to faster than I can read them. Of course, much of the reading is worthless anyway as it is not political discourse but profanity laced hate. I don't read those once I recognize them for what they are, just as, if I am around the remote rather than just listening to the TV from some other place in the house, I switch channels when a strident idiot comes on one of the programs.

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