Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-seventeen: More epiphanies

Well, I may have had more than one but I can remember at least one epiphany today. That one came when I was shaving. I noticed that I take the shaving cream can in my right hand and put the shaving cream in my left. Then I scrape it off my left hand with my right and apply it to my face. Of course I never scrape all of it off which means that my manipulation of the faucet handle can, and quite often does, put shaving cream on the handle. Now, I am strongly right handed but I had never even considered using my left hand to handle the can and put the shaving cream in my right directly.

This discovery, after years of shaving six days out of every seven, belies the fact that at one point in my work career I was a Business Process Re-engineering consultant. The whole principle of Business Process Re-engineering is to surface hidden assumptions, things that have been done so long in one way that no one ever questions it. The best thing about it was the video tape of several cartoons of the Roadrunner and Wyle Coyote. I would use one of them to shake people up. You have to admit that Wyle Coyote was an original thinker. Besides, my children really loved them. I think my youngest daughter has that tape now, if she hasn't thrown away all the ones she took when she and her husband helped me close down the storage unit. I don't have a video player and don't intend to get one.

I do have at least three yoga videos that I found when I got rid of some excess furniture. Now that I have a yoga mat, I'll get some yoga DVDs before I get a video player.

I also got my renewal notice for my AAA membership. This prompted me to call them and cancel Marilyn's no longer needed membership and save some money. There are a lot of things that still come to my house with her name on it. The things that don't matter, catalogs, online accounts such as, I may never change. I still use her more anonymous email address when I don't care to obviously declare who I am. This gives me three tiers of email addressing: my main account for true email corresponding, my bulk account, and then Marilyn's old account for junk and anonymity.

It does give me a lot of accounts and passwords to remember in my Life after Layoff. And I keep adding to them. At least I try to keep my passwords simple and not obvious as opposed to complex, impossible to remember, and not obvious.

I waited to write this entry until after I watched the Buckeyes play the Nittany Lions. While there were some moments I thought the outcome would be better, I would have been better served to have written this instead of watching. Oh well, at least one school out of the eleven in the Big Ten is still in the hunt for the BCS One vs. Two bowl game.

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