Friday, October 10, 2008

Day One hundred and two: Why did I stop hyphenating?

I don't know why I stopped hyphenating my numbers but I should decide quickly which way I'm going to continue. If I decide to go back to hyphenating, I should edit all my titles. This is part of my "CDO" syndrome, OCD in the correct order, alphabetical. (No, I don't believe I have OCD, but maybe a little OCD would be better for a cleaner house. I've let my kitchen get stacked up again, along with the dining room table. At least the table is stacked with papers from mail, my webinars, and cards for thank you notes that I can't seem to get around to writing.)

Today I gave blood. Since it is much less convenient to do so from Pacifica requiring a drive rather than walking a couple blocks, this was the first time that I've given in my Life after Layoff. I have just a few more pints to reach the four gallon mark. I think the next mark of any distinction is five gallons. I don't recall where the one gallon key chain has gone. They were in critical need of AB- and O-, but they took my O+ blood anyway.

I also stopped in to see about getting my hair cut. I didn't but did get an appointment, which is much easier to schedule in this Life after Layoff.

Even though I am trying to keep most politics out of this blog, even to the point of keeping my own personal experiences low key, I must say how pleased I was to see the news that McCain has at last spoken out against the hateful and wrong, but hopefully only speech, that he and his running mate have incited. I also agree with most of the pundits, including Ed Rollins, that it is too little and too late for the McCain/Palin ticket.

Then there is "Troopergate."

Hey, this was the second day in a row that I made it out of the house. I liked it. Today I managed to do it without spending any money, except the cost of the gas, and that has fallen yet again.

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