Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-twenty: I need a title for today

There was nothing distinctive about what is now yesterday. I did "meditate" in my sky chair during the day while listening to both the "Opening" and "Deepening" meditation guides. I did see the squirrel again, right in the middle of my "meditation." It wasn't much of an interruption and was in its own way, fulfilling.

But other than that one nothing ran into another until the day, and a good portion of the night, was gone. Then rather than make this entry, I went to bed. Eating, TV, and Internet are consuming my Life after Layoff. I can't wait until November 5th. I do have some concern that the bad habits I've gotten into with my election addiction will be difficult to shake.

I should be able to completely shake them in my late November early December cross country trip but will be able to radically change my daily routine even sooner. I'm heading down to Southern California to visit with my oldest daughter. (She's not that old.)

I got my replacement jury duty notice. They accepted my postponement and I am now in jeopardy for February 2, 2009.

My Toastmaster material still hasn't arrived.

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