Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-eighteen: Motorcycle riding

I was going to make some Gingerbread to take in for my calling for Obama but when I got up, I discovered that I was low on whole wheat pastry flour. Any excuse that avoids work is a good excuse. So, I decided to ride my motorcycle to San Carlos and the phone bank I call from.

I was a little low in gas so I stopped and filled my tank for $9.00. I guess I wasn't as low as I thought but I didn't want to run out. It may also have been that the price has dropped. While mine cost a little more, I did see gas for $3.179 a gallon on my ride, San Francisco Bay Peninsula. Demand for gas has gotten so low that OPEC is meeting to reduce production and prop up the price. It will be my luck that all of this will take effect just before I begin my cross-country road trip.

I didn't keep track of my calling statistics today except for total calls. I'm entered into a drawing for leftover Obama/Biden campaign stuff because I made over 100 calls. Today I called phone numbers in three states: Florida, Minnesota, and Nevada. I guess New Mexico is more solidly Obama country now.

On the way home I stopped in at Whole Foods both for dinner and very little shopping, well buying. I actually did some shopping, as in I looked at some things that I had no intention of buying, at least then. I looked at their flour brands and prices. I want to compare them to Safeway's. I couldn't buy it then both because of all the other stuff I was buying and its bulk and weight. I was riding my motorcycle after all.

When I got back near Pacifica, I was glad that I had put on my winter gloves and by the time I made it home was thinking how my chaps would have also been a good thing to be wearing. I do intend to use my motorcycle more, not only because it is fun to ride, but also to start slowing down my use of the Prius, where ever and when ever I can.

I'll probably be up later tonight because I couldn't resist and had a Peach Ooh-la-long Honest Tea with my dinner. It was the first time in a while that I have had caffeine, well other than the amount I put in my chocolate cupcakes. It's not like I need any more stimulus in my Life after Layoff.

No epiphanies today, or at least that I remember, which is why I'm back to writing about the more mundane activities. I did like the quote from the Honest Tea cap so much I brought the cap home. It says: "It's not so hard to get rich as it is to know when you have gotten rich." - Josh Billings.

I did talk to one person today that was voting for McCain because he didn't believe that the rich should be taxed more. He wasn't rich and would benefit from Obama's tax break for 95% of working Americans, as would "Joe the Plumber." Correcting the tax code to better balance the progressive taxation to pre G.W. Bush levels is not socialism. Since 1979 we have increased the burden of supporting the government by $600 billion onto the lower 80% of taxable incomes and reduced it by that much on the top 2%. The 1913 Income Tax form didn't even tax people making less than $500,000, in 1913 dollars. (It was only one page to boot.) While I am in favor of everyone owning a piece of paying for the cost of government, I do think the burden should be a little fairer. Someone, and it will have to be the people with money, needs to start paying on the $700,000 debt that every U.S. adult now owes because of the U.S. debt of $11,000,000,000,000. (I've added in the cost of the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, and (partial) banking nationalizations, since the money is already spent and authorized.)

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