Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-fifteen: Not so hot speaking

Well my personality and style assessments say I do better in one on one or small groups. While their responses were kind, I have to agree with the assessments. That being said, I'm glad this one is over. While I haven't received my Toastmaster's book yet, I am already thinking of my next speech, as in which of the millions of topics I could speak on do I want to speak on. The reason is I want to start working on it a little sooner. Maybe if I work on it a little longer I won't have such a dry mouth. At least I didn't have butterflies. I also didn't say everything and of what I did say I didn't say in the way I had written it. Some of it was perhaps better, but most was probably a little worse.

Of the two speakers, I did win best speaker. Next week I am the word person. This is a natural assignment for someone who used to read dictionaries for fun. I also used to read encyclopedias but I don't think that I got past A but I did read more of the other letters' entries, sometimes several pages, just not all the way through. I also have read the Bible cover to cover at least twice. Of course all through High School I read an average of two paperbacks a day. They were mostly short Science Fiction but some of them were a little more difficult, and took longer, like Dr. Zhivago, The Ghetto, Brothers Kazmarov, ... I never did read War and Peace and didn't read any Ayn Rand until college.

I make a much better reader than a writer and a much better writer than a speaker, but this Life after Layoff is all about extending myself.

And I'm certainly extending myself again tonight. I couldn't eat before I went to Toastmasters, so I was eating at 9:30 PM tonight and will probably be awake for more hours, at least until after "The Daily Show" and the "Colbert Report."

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