Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day Ninety-four: Pajama day

I stayed in all day and also stayed in my pajamas all day. Well, since I do keep my furnace off, I also put on a sweat shirt. I don't intend to do this often but it felt right today. A pajama day every once in a while is a fine addition to my Life after Layoff.

This doesn't mean I didn't get anything done. In fact, I have begun the fixes to my new storage shed. The weight is now off the shelf and thus the pressure is no longer collapsing the wall. Now I need to figure out a way to reinforce it, whether or not I ever use the shelf again. I also set up my NordicTrack Skier in the corner of my living room. This gets it out of the closet and into a place that I can use it, which is the place that I would put my recliner, if I were to get it. (I did not use the NordicTrack today.) I did do my back exercises. Oh yes, I've started a "to do" list spreadsheet. The first project item I laid out was the preparation for my December road trip. Traveling 2,000+ miles away from home in a car for six or so weeks is not something I can do spontaneously. My departure date will be entirely controlled by my preparation.

I also did the final Entrepreneurial Webinar.

Then I watched the VP debate on CNN so I could see how the six analysts and 30 persuadable people in Columbus, Ohio scored the debate. I haven't heard whether any of my relatives in Columbus were part of this group.

Last night I started reading my Fasting Handbook, Dining from an Empty Bowl. (This was after my blog entry.) I think I will do more reading tonight. Today I've also read Opening to Meditation by Diana Lang. Both are relatively short books. I got them at the same time because I thought they might go together. My "to do" list spreadsheet doesn't yet include meditation but it will. The last chapter of this short meditation book is questions and answers. One question seemed to hit close to home, "What if I can't stop thinking?" I liked her answer. If it works for me, I'll include a paraphrase of it in some future entry.

My back exercises and the meditation book make me realize that I need some additional equipment. I need an exercise mat and a yoga bench, something that allows me to basically sit on the floor and somewhat cross my legs. Maybe it would double as a step up platform. My futon pads are too soft but I may have to try one of them unless I can find a place to shop tomorrow.

Since I've already brushed my teeth and am in my pajamas, I can go to bed early tonight. I used to be a morning person and would like to get back to being so. Staying up until morning isn't the same thing. It is also easier to get my exercising out of the way, even though I used to do it in the morning so it would have the least impact on my family.

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