Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day Seventy-one: Cooking, mowing, and misc.

My son and soon to be daughter-in-law have left for Sacramento. I have an appointment to get my Prius serviced. I canceled my daughter's phone number without there being any additional cancelation fee. (I confirmed with her that she did not, in fact get a new phone.) I baked bread, chocolate cupcakes, and fixed my Gerson Ratatouille. (See recipe at the bottom of this post.) We ate at Cafe Gratitude for lunch, since they will not be able to join us after the wedding.

My son started his motorcycle, and mine. He then rode my bike to take back some shorts he bought at Nordstrom Rack. They cost 2/3 of the original price rather than the 1/3 the rest of the prices were. So, by taking them back he was able to get jeans, his fiancee a shirt, and some money back. He couldn't ride his. It doesn't have a current registration or insurance. As much as he likes New York, I think he is quite willing to return to his motorcycle. I did find out that he has received two tickets for speeding with one being so fast that he did not qualify for Traffic School. Maybe this 2 and 1/2 year stay in New York City is good for his driving record.

While the bread was baking, I mowed my dead yard. Even though it doesn't look green, it looks better. The deer are still enjoying one kind of my plants in the front yard. I have yet to get the Liquid Fence.

The TV that was in my room is now in the guest bedroom. I had a much better morning without a working TV in my bedroom this morning. But, with the TV in my Living Room, I don't know how much stereo listening I will do. Maybe it will pick up when I get my iPod and my TV to stereo connectivity established.

Tomorrow I have a long cleaning list. I've found that there is always more to do in my Life after Layoff.

"Gerson" Ratatouille: I started making this for Marilyn when she was able to do the Gerson Therapy to address her cancer. (I truly don't know what the therapy would have done for her cancer but certainly her health all except for the cancer was the best it had been in years.) The Gerson diet is largely no salt added vegan. This left us trying to find tasty ways to prepare vegetables and have a variety. The "Gerson" Ratatouille was just that kind of vegetable.

One medium/large yellow onion cut in one to one and one half inch length chunks.
Four to five garlic cloves, crushed.
One medium to large eggplant, peeled and diced into about one inch squares.
One can of diced tomatoes or three medium/large heirloom tomatoes, diced.

Cook on low until eggplant is done. If you put the onions on the bottom, you can turn the fire on low without burning anything. I've cooked green beans with that layer of onion without needing to add water. In this case, however, the tomatoes also supply a lot of moisture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am actually keeping up on my reading right now as I steal your macbook. hehhehe. It is nice to have what we did chronicled. The keys on the macbook are farther apart than on PC which is making it a little strange to type. Love you father!