Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day Seventy-three: Memories and tears

Since the family was together for my son's wedding, we all walked to Marilyn's favorite spot and had a final memorial. I read the messages she and I worked on before she couldn't interact anymore (or sign anything). There was one message for all of her children, with a paragraph directed to each child. There was a separate message for my marrying son. Then I read some of the memories I had already written. We all cried freely.

On the walk up we talked about her "run and rest" walking style. We also found the bench the park service was suggesting as the memorial bench. Now if the park service would get back to us, we can make that happen.

On the walk down, after a companionable silence for much of the first part, we started talking about the future, the immediate future. Did my son have time to go on the shopping trip to Costco for food? He did. In fact, he had time also to get some burritos with us, and eat them.

Then he left to pick up his tux. My daughters left to get a pedicure and I fought off sleep. It seemed the thing to do since my head intercepted the hatch back being rapidly closed by my son after all the groceries we had just stowed. I was attempting to make one last adjustment. One final adjustment may be a lesson in my Life after Layoff, layoff the extra stuff and get to it.

Since I was up until 2:00 this morning, I am going to bed now.

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