Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day Eighty-six: Ready to ride

For one reason or another, but most likely because of the soy latte I had in the afternoon yesterday, I was awake at 2:22 AM this morning. I remember that time because I was still so awake that I checked my clock and noted the unusual time. Before I went to bed I had set my alarm clock to make sure that I didn't miss my motorcycle servicing appointment this morning. Since I got up before the alarm went off, I shut it off.

Even though I got ready somewhat leisurely, I still made it to the Daly City Honda service center a full 25 minutes before they opened. Thank goodness they started moving the motorcycles, scooters, and even a four-wheeler before 9:00 AM so they were checking me in right around 9:00. I walked about a mile to a Starbucks that I knew was in Daly City and had another soy latte. I don't think it will keep me up tonight.

However, the political twists may. I couldn't turn on the TV or look at the Internet without hearing and reading about McCain's latest surprise. While I thought it was a political ploy, it was confirmed for me when he also suggested that the VP debate be "postponed." Well, anyway, I have to stay up to watch Letterman. I gotta get DVR. But realistically, I never watch Letterman normally so probably wouldn't have it programmed to record it.

Oh well, I now have a smooth running ride for my Life after Layoff. I even used it this evening for a grocery run. I wore my summer gloves on my way to the grocery store and my winter gloves back. What I went to get was some more Earth Balance margarine. I need it to make my Fluffy Buttercream Frosting for the cupcakes I am taking to my first ever campaign participation tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a longer motorcycle ride this fall, maybe all the way to Reno.

I also have some whole wheat bread raising for baking tomorrow morning. All of this baking meant that I washed dishes not once but twice today (and could have washed another batch but wanted to stop working.) I'm baking the bread for tomato sandwiches.

My guests didn't drink enough beer. I have 17 bottles of Stella Artois, five bottles of Lobotomy Bock, five bottles of Blue Moon, and two cans of 24 oz. Bud Light. The last two were contributions of two of my sisters. I used one Blue Moon to make beer bread but won't use any more as my youngest daughter said that she liked that beer. Oh well, maybe I can deliver them to her this weekend. I'm thinking of giving my neighbor 12 or 16 of the Stella Artois bottles. He has given me, well my daughters, venison. He is also ready to go on a motorcycle ride with me. Now that I am ride ready, I can do that.

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