Monday, September 8, 2008

Day Seventy: Ten weeks of retirement sampling

This is the end of my tenth week without a job. While I have remained very busy, I have also enjoyed not "working." Today was an exception. First my son kept cutting. This definitely made the place look better, but, ... We filled the bed of the Ford Ranger XLT then stacked on seven filled 33 gallon trash bags on top. The bed was so full that the covering net had to be bungy corded on one end to cover it.

Then we went to the dump.

After the dump, we ate at Chez Shea in Half Moon Bay. I had eaten there a few times before with the first being a break of a motorcycle ride after we moved to Pacifica. Later, when Marilyn was no longer doing Gerson Therapy, we went there on one of our few dining out experiences her final year. This made at least the second time this year. I like the food.

After a stop back at home to find an ATT Store and a WAMU, we proceeded to them. At the ATT Store we had to get a new phone number to add my son's soon to be wife to the family plan. Plus, we couldn't cancel my daughter's phone because she had to get yet another number when she and her husband formed a family plan to free up a line for my son's soon to be wife. What's more, we were told that there was a cancelation fee of $175.

Then we went to Circuit City for the cables and connecters we needed to move the big TV into the Living Room. Unfortunately Circuit City didn't have them. Since Home Depot was literally on the way to Best Buy, we stopped there, also for no reason as it turned out. But Best Buy had the cable, splitter, and splicer. It didn't have the coax box. So we went to Radio Shack. Radio Shack had the plate with a drywall clamp device. Since we had previously cut two holes into the wall, with the one that worked partially on a stud, the clamp method wouldn't work. So, we went on to a local Ace Hardware. We got a box for the cable plate we got at Radio Shack and patching material for the extra holes.

Since this is my blog, I've left out a lot of the hard work that my son and his soon to be wife did. They had the hardest work, which is one reason they are already in bed while I am still up writing. Another is that they are still on New York time and it is late here in California.

Then we moved the TV. Even though we had the support plate on level, the TV definitely wasn't. So we adjusted the plate as much as possible and then shimmed the TV. It still isn't perfect but I now have a TV in the Living Room. All that is left is a little cleaning and relocating the TV from my bedroom into the guest room. It is smaller and won't get HD but still it is something that will keep guests up until all hours of the night, while the one out in the Living Room will keep me up all hours of the night, at least until I get my entry in my Life after Layoff written and published.

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