Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day Sixty-eight: Two days in one

It may seem like two days, a morning of cleaning, an afternoon barbeque (not at my house), and a late pick up from the airport such that it is past midnight as I write this. It reminds me of the time I worked 36 hours in one day. Yes there are only 24 hours in a day but I worked 36 hours straight and got paid double time for any hours over twelve in one day.

The morning was filled with making a truly fluffy buttercream frosting for the cupcakes I had made earlier, getting all the boxes I had filled out to the storage shed, sweeping the carpet, dusting (for which I also used a vacuum before I used the dust cloth because the dust was really thick in some spots), toilets, ...

After my youngest daughter (and her husband) got here, we headed out to my oldest daughter's in-laws' place for a barbeque. Our timing was accidentally great. We got there just before eating and proceeded to eat for five hours. The food was that good and plentiful.

The drive down along Highway 1 was scenic. After we turned off of Highway 1 onto the curvy mountain road up to their place in the Santa Cruz Mountains, I felt like I was driving a sports car. Then I came upon the minivan whose driver did not feel as though he was driving a sports car, or a minivan. He must have thought it was a cement truck. After a couple miles that felt like a couple hundred, I passed him going up hill. The Prius doesn't really have sports car acceleration, at least not up hill. I was just deluding myself in my Life after Layoff, but it was fun for the 13 seconds it lasted.

I have been driving a lot at night lately. The last time I did, I got bugs in layers on my car. I didn't check when I got here after the airport run and almost don't want to check. After all, I just washed the thing.

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