Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day One-hundred-and-eighty-seven: Leavings

After unsuccessfully trying to make some notes during the movie, "The Dark Knight," I gave up with just one incomplete sentence. After the movie, since I was now in a place with a broadband connection and fewer people, I thought I would catch up on my entries and just freeform this one without notes. Once midnight rolled around, I thought, "Surely I won't forget so much about yesterday that I can't make this entry and tomorrow's entry on the same day." If I ever get to yesterday's entry beyond "I saw a movie," we'll see if this is true.

I did have a secondary reason for postponing this entry, it was starting out too dark and melancholy. Knowing that it wasn't the movie and thinking that it may have been my tiredness, I decided sleep was the better choice for two reasons: an improved entry and avoiding a cold.

This day was all about leaving. While some who had left earlier returned, my oldest sister, still younger than me, and my oldest sister's daughters, separately and one with children, for example; more left and didn't come back. Then it was our turn. My youngest daughter, her husband, and I left for Columbus so they, and I, could visit with my wife's relatives and they eventually could get to the airport to fly home.

Leaving is harder than being left. It is also harder than arriving but if I have to do the former, it is good to do the latter in the same day.

Well, duh! This is both profound and stupid. Every day in my Life after Layoff has been filled with leavings and arrivings. Every moment I am arriving into something new, a situation, a place, a time. It's all in my perspective and I choose to look forward with anticipation for those arrivals.

Ever since the "Resolution Diner," I've been struggling with what my resolution should be. Now, I finally have it: "Make the most of all my arrivals." Again, I've impressed myself. This one I'll keep.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Make the most of your arrivals - a good resolution! Life is moving from one arrival to another. I still plan to play more this year, but I might incorporate your "arrival" plan into my 2009 objective as well.