Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day One-hundred-and-eighty-four: The end was near

The last day of the year started out with a snowy, windy, walk. This time my father wasn't with us so I had to be the one to slow the group down. At least I kept them from crossing the fence at the wrong place and walking five miles to Sand Fork, if they would have ever reached it.

Once home my mother convinced me to take some Metamucil for my opposite condition for what the label says it is for. Either my disease had run its course, or the fiber worked.

My middle sister planned a great five course mystery dinner titled the "Resolution Diner." The menu items, utensils, napkins, dipping sauces, dessert toppings, ..., all had strange names that if you thought really hard you might have been able to figure it out, such as: "Sleepy Relative" for napkin. I didn't do too badly, but only because I didn't have any dressing put on my salad, making it finger food, the only thing I had to eat it with.

Then we stayed up well past midnight. I'm no longer alone in the "pool room." It's now truly a dormitory. Since it's after 2:00 AM as I'm making these notses for this day's blog entry, I will undoubtedly not be sleeping the first day of 2009 away. All in all, it has been a great start for my first Life after Layoff New Year.

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