Friday, January 16, 2009

Day Two-hundred: More leaking

I ran the dishwasher forgetting that its drain runs to the garbage disposal. I had another mess to clean up just after I finally put all of the stuff back under the sink. All the stuff is back out from under and drying again. Before I put it back under, I will have to take the drain apart and figure out where and what is the problem. Since it doesn't appear to affect the main sink drain, at least I can do the dishes the old fashioned way, by hand.

I went on a very short motorcycle ride to a motorcycle shop. I tried on a display boot that was supposedly my size. While it was difficult to get on, it did fit once I got it on. I had almost given up when I noticed an instep velcro strap. I also checked out saddle bags. I'm wanting to get the largest I can get without having to do any modification to the bike. After no one came around to help me, I left and rode home.

I'm making what I call Gerson Ratatouille for dinner. It consists of an onion, a few cloves of garlic, an eggplant, and a large can of diced tomatoes. While I never put anything else into it for Marilyn, I may try some other spices this time. I'm also thinking of cooking some linguine or spaghetti and using it as a primavera. I still have to wash the rice cooker or I would have had rice with it.

The first few days after I got back from my trip, I didn't feel like cooking. In fact, I was quite lazy. The last two have been different in some way. I actually cooked lunch and now I'm cooking dinner. If I hadn't already used it, this would be a good place to say I'm really cooking in my Life after Layoff. (Does this variant count?)

I'm heading out for my youngest daughter's place tomorrow morning. I will be taking two sets of golf clubs just in case we end up golfing. This means I won't be riding my motorcycle even though for other reasons I should. I also won't be taking it to the Bear Valley Lodge January 29th. I decided that skiing is more important than skiing on the 28th. This way I won't be alone on the trails, if there are trails. The day has been quite sunny and warm again. I've been able to see the Farallon Islands every day I've looked since I've gotten back. I do want to take a boat trip around them some day. Plans for the future are an important part of my Life after Layoff. (Since I don't go back and read my earlier posts, I don't know whether or not I've used this before as well. Someday I need to go back and take a copy of all my entries. Maybe I should start that soon. I don't know how long they let me add before they start deleting the earlier ones.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there... I've been reading your blog ever since my mom told me about it after getting a letter from you. I'm one of your youngest daughter's old childhood friends - we were next door neighbors, in fact. =)

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have many fond/fun memories of your wife as well.

When I visit my parents it still seems wrong to me that some other family is living in your old house! =)

Anyhow the whole point of this comment was to tell you about some websites that will publish your blog in book format for relatively cheap. I used to print a journal I had on I believe they do blogger too. I'm currently looking into to publish the blog I have now which is hosted by Wordpress. Anyhow, it was a fairly painless and straightforward process. I thought you might be interested...