Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day One-hundred-and-ninety: Ready for the road

Today I tried my non-drowsy decongestant and was able to function so I will start on my road trip back tomorrow. Other than popping pills, drinking hot liquids, and eating spicy foods, nothing much happened today. I did take a nap in the afternoon, which leads me to think that maybe I shouldn't make it such a long day tomorrow but I'm sure I can make it through Indiana.

Since I had so little to report, I was going to share my documentation of my youngest daughter and her husband eating their first White Castle sliders. From her face, it might be her last. I know my son didn't want a repeat after I took him to White Castle in 2004. They are definitely something to eat right away before the grease gets cold. In moments like this I'm glad I became a vegan.

When I say that I am ready for the road, I am really saying that I'm mentally ready. I have a lot of packing and loading to do. Hopefully I can do that after my hosts leave for work so I am the least disruptive and still make it to Springfield for lunch. Until my Life after Layoff, I didn't think of "ready" in stages. It used to be binary, I either wasn't or I was.

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