Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-twenty-seven: New life

Now I can get on with my Life after Layoff.  My election addition has come to an abrupt "cold turkey" end.  I will leave my TV off tomorrow even as I contact Comcast to cancel my cable TV.  This will give me so much more time to do all that I have been procrastinating:
  • My resume' or curriculum vitae
  • A Marilyn Westbrook Garment Fund flier for posting in my cross-country trip
  • My Toastmaster speeches
  • All of the housework / home improvements
  • Trip planning
  • Writing, my blogs and more...
  • Business research
  • Investment management
  • Personal development
  • Reaching out to current friends and making more friends
  • ...
I did do some things today.  For example, I took a trash bag of styrofoam packing in for recycling on my way to pick up a vegan burrito and some groceries.  (While I was out, I also picked up the equivalent of vegan junk food and proceeded to eat it.  I figured it was appropriate couch potato food as I did spend most of the day in front of the TV, even when I was sleeping on the couch.)  And I did sleep on the couch starting at about 3:00 AM this morning.

I am about to take a break and do my meditation, hopefully in the sky chair even though the outdoor temperature is currently 51 degrees.

In my store run, I bought more flour but will need to wait until Thursday night or even Friday to make it.  I don't want to mix it up tonight because I will probably want to eat it tomorrow.

I'm relieved the election is over and glad that the person I voted for has won.  I was glad to see that all the states that I made calls into also went for Obama and feel that the money I donated was used well enough for him to win.  I do feel for his loss of the person who mostly raised him yesterday as I am still feeling the loss of my wife daily.

Still, I am looking to the future, including the immediate future.  I can't wait to get on the road for my longer visit with my and my wife's families.  I am not necessarily looking forward to returning, particularly to the jury duty jeopardy February 2, 2009, but overall I have a lot that I want to do, which requires returning, at least for a while.  After all, I don't have any other base, yet.

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