Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-forty-one: No real progress

I'd say that I don't know where the day went, but I do. I went out to mail a couple things, including the reviews I completed over the weekend and didn't want to go back to my house. So I did what any other good person with time on their hands might do, I went shopping. I hoped to get two things but Bed Bath and Beyond only had one of them. One of several people at the store who ask if they could help me, suggested that I could order what I was looking for online. I declined because that was something I could do at home and I didn't want to be at home. After Bed Bath and Beyond, I almost headed home but noticed a Barnes and Noble bookstore.

Bookstores are more my kind of shopping anyway. After browsing through a number of sections, I did finally find something to buy. Shopping without buying is not fun, but it would have killed about the same amount of time. I'd say that procrastinating is my way of Life after Layoff, but I'm sure I've already used that tag line. If I were more organized in my Life after Layoff, I would have a separate searchable record that I could use to make sure that each entry has a different use of my Life after Layoff tag. (Now I'm sure that there is one somewhat unique use in this paragraph. It is getting harder.)

I'm still waiting on a few confirmations of addresses so I can send out my first and potentially last Christmas Newsletter. I need to get started because I do have to sign them at least. I'm hoping I don't have more than 99 to send unless I have plenty of time to buy more of the same paper and envelopes. Right now I'm exactly on ninety. Since I was using my wife's address book, there may be some aliases and old addresses. I also checked out MyFamily.com. Not only did I not recognize all the names of my cousins, some of the names I recognized had addresses that I knew to be wrong. That site still has my oldest sister still living with my parents, which for readers that don't know the whole story isn't quite like it reads. For a time after her house burned down she stayed with her parents. Obviously this time covered when this address was entered. Besides, it was their old P.O. Box address, not their new number and road address.

I just had a horrible thought. She didn't have all her addresses in the address book I used. I don't even know where the other book is, nor where the lists she used may be. As I won't be home, I won't even get to see who I've inadvertently left off by seeing who sends me cards. Maybe I will have to write another Christmas Letter, a belated one for mailing the end of January. Maybe there should be a tie in to 1099's and W2's because that is when people really need a pick up that the spirit of Christmas can bring. That is the time they realize how little they made in the previous year or realize just how much the government is taking of it.

I've had about five meals today. More, smaller meals are supposed to be better for you but I'm a gradualist. I'm working on half of it at a time. The first half, "more," is the baby step. I'll work on smaller a meal at a time. At least it was all good food.

I think I'm done here, at least for today. I only have a few more things I can do this week. Unfortunately they are lengthy time consuming things. Next Wednesday and Thursday will be especially busy as I will need to cook and clean before I can leave.

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