Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-forty-two: Down to a precious few

I'm not going to start trying to rhyme my entry titles, although I was pleased to realize that this one did rhyme. (Although it doesn't scan.)

Today also seemed more productive, more like Monday. While I did add a few things that I should do before I leave, I can't do most of them until next week. And "should" is a long way from "must." Of the things that truly must be done, I have only two or three on my current list that can even be done this week. One of them is print my Christmas Letter. I'm going to have to print them in small batches to make sure I don't run out of ink part way through a longer batch and ruin too many. In fact, since I need to sign them, I will be definitely be printing them no later than Friday. Right now I have 91 addresses. I may hand write one as my mailing labels come 30 to a sheet.

I tried an afternoon soy latte again but I don't think it will keep me awake tonight. I have an early day tomorrow and have to be out of here by 9:00 AM. (My early days in my Life after Layoff are nothing like my early days when I was "working for a living.") It's nice to not have to get up by an alarm clock even on my "early days."

I had a decent talk with the person who made Marilyn's last days "living" ones, allowed her to attend her daughter's wedding. He was telling me about a lymphedema sufferer that he was able to help because the patient's therapist learned of him through the Marilyn Westbrook Garment Fund. It is great that there are tangible results and that Marilyn can have this impact, touching even more lives. The founder of the National Lymphedema Network and host of the fund tells me that testimonials, from some of the people who have been helped, are going to be posted on the NLN site soon.

I think when I get back, I will need to do a picture retrospective of all the times that I took a picture of Marilyn's hand. It wasn't nearly as many times as I could have because even I gave up after a while. What I regret most is all of the pictures that I now don't have of her hand and the other pictures I then didn't take.

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