Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day One-hundred-and-twenty-four: Visiting while visiting

If a little wine is good for the stomach's sake, what is a lot of wine good for? Hopefully not a headache. Yes, we went to The Nose again tonight. This time for a blind wine tasting lesson. (The bottles were in bags not my eyes covered.) I got an appreciation for the dimensions of both appreciating and tasting wine and may have improved my ability to discriminate between good wine and bad wine, young wine and ready to drink wine, Old World vs. New World, ... I even bought another bottle of wine that will be ready to drink in five to seven years. The delay is good, because I don't have anyone to drink it with and will not be drinking it alone. I don't drink that much. It will be good to have some wine in my wine fridge that belongs to me. Who would have thought that this late in my life I could even begin to turn into a wine snob? This is possible only in my Life after Layoff.

Earlier in the day we went for lunch at a former co-worker of my daughter's. She and her husband have a 13 pound young one, like a month old. He was born at ten pounds. We ate and visited around the dining table, with the food still on it. This led to a lot of overeating, at least by me. I certainly wasn't hungry at the wine tasting. My daughter held the baby like a pro, which led me to ask if doing so turned on her maternal instinct. She didn't say yes but did remind me of her group babysitting experience at a local church in Fremont, a graphic verbal reminder, which she admitted to being the best birth control.

Earlier in the day we went to the Farmer's market. There were lots of good food to buy and also, as my daughter pointed out, a McCain booth. I couldn't tell it from any of the signs, or the traffic. All the people I saw were at the Obama booth, where there were a lot of Obama signs. There were signs at the McCain booth, just not McCain signs. Instead, most, if not all of the signs, were "Yes on Eight" signs. After we got back to their house, my daughter went to work fixing lunch that was picnic basket shlepped over to her friends. I did whatever I was asked to do, including grating some fresh ginger for the ginger snaps she made even though I didn't eat any. Mostly I stayed out of the way.

Earlier in the day I got up and had steel cut oats cooked overnight in the crockpot.

All in all, it was a very filling and fulfilling day.

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